VIN 1FMHK8F88CGA71950 History Records

# Car ID 916763 Internal Car Identification Number
Make The name of car manufacturer
Model Model of a car
Trim Car Trim
Production Year The year of production
Wheel System Type of Wheel System
Body Type SUV / Crossover Body Type of the vehicle. Like Convertible, Hatchback, Sedan, etc.
Maximum Seating Total number of seats available.
Transmission Type of Transmission: detailed description
Engine Type 54542.0 The engine configuration. Eg: I4, V6, etc.
Engine Displacement 7 seats The measure of the cylinder volume swept by all of the pistons
Fuel Type 288178 Dominant type of fuel ingested by the vehicle.
Fuel Tank Volume 4.75 Fuel tank's filling capacity in gallons
Wheelbase Wheelbase in inches
Width Width in inches
Height False Height in inches
Back Legroom 39.8 in Back Legroom in inches
Power Power and RPM produced by an engine.
Torque Torque produced by an engine.
Horsepower A Horsepower is the power produced by an engine.
City Fuel Economy 17.0 Fuel economy in city traffic in km per litre
Highway Fuel Economy 255 lb-ft @ 4,000 RPM Fuel economy in highway traffic in km per litre
Listing Color    Dominant color group from the exterior color.
Exterior Color Explorer Exterior dominant color of the vehicle
Interior Color 6-Speed Automatic Interior dominant color of the vehicle
Is New AWD If True means the vehicle was launched less than 2 years before 2020.
Owners Counter of previous owners
Salvage Shows if a car was salvaged
Theft Title Shows if a car was previously stolen
Has Accidents Keith's Auto Sales Shows if a car had accidents in the past
Frame Damaged 290 hp @ 6,500 RPM Shows if a car has damaged frame
Days On Market 7 The number of days a car is on the market
City Penn Laird City where vehicle has recently been located
Dealer ZIP 22846 ZIP code of a dealer
Seller The entity name selling a car
Seller Rating 0  The rating of a car seller
Mileage mi. Mileage of a vehicle
Price US$ Last price of a vehicle in US$
URL VIN decoder Decode this VIN and get a complete report.
VIN 1FMHK8F88CGA71950 Vehicle Identification Number is a unique encoded string for every vehicle.

Major Options / Build:

Additional Description: Visit Our Website For More Pictures! Call One of Our Friendly, Knowledgeable Salesmen Today!AM/FM Stereo, Adjustable Steering, Anti-Lock Brakes, Back-up Camera, Blindspot , Heated & Cooled Seats, Keyless Entry & Start, Power Mirrors & Steering, Power Windows & Seats, SYNC, Sunroof & Moonroof, Power Fold Third Row Seat, Touch Activated Lock/Unlock, Bluetooth, CD Player, Cruise Control, Fog Lights, Front & Rear A/C, Leather Upholstery, Power Liftgate, Power Locks, Push Button Start, Rear Parking Assist, Steering Wheel Controls, Touchscreen Navigation, Towing Package, USB Charging Port(s",V6,3500.0,V6,Brown,False,False,False,,40.6 in,18.6 gal,Gasoline,False,71 in,23.0,290.0,Brown (Tan),False,,,False,,38.3769,197.1 in,2020-09-03,BROWN,281170861,-78.7948,,"['Sunroof/Moonroof', 'Navigation System', 'Third Row Seating', 'Bluetooth', 'Backup Camera', 'Blind Spot Monitoring', 'Parking Sensors']

Recalls are a well-established global practice; from time to time they are announced by almost all manufacturers of not only cars, but also any other industrial products. But since a car is considered a source of increased danger, it is recalls in the automotive industry that attract the most attention and cause the greatest resonance. Check if your car is covered by a recall campaign. Sometimes manufacturers will recall their cars because of substandard parts or workmanship and repair them for free, regardless of the warranty. This is called a recall campaign. More information on recalls can be found in this database. It may be useful to use online problems resource that shows automotive defect patterns, based on complaint data submitted by vehicle owners. The problems are organized into groups with data published by vehicle, component, and specific issue. See also an updated list of problems before buying a used car. In most cases, the recall is initiated by the manufacturer. But it also happens that it is forced to do so. The largest and most scandalous recall campaigns were those that were initiated by complaints and lawsuits from consumers through controlling state structures.

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